Goffin Molecular Technologies
Over 265+ different
solutions waiting for you
Infectious Diseases
Quality Controls & Reference Standards
Together with our partners, we break new ground in diagnostics, creating smarter, faster, and more effective solutions for a healthier future.
Product development
Innovation and discovering
product applications for our clients are what Goffin Molecular Technologies is known for.
At Goffin, we take pride in
developing our own products and the publications that emerge from our work.
The iGenesis Galaxy Systems revolutionize nucleic acid extraction and qPCR detection. Engineered for efficiency and flexibility, these systems are ideal for laboratories seeking high-speed, reliable, and versatile molecular testing.
Easily adaptable to work with a wide range of third-party PCR kits, maximizing versatility.
Exceptional flexibility to integrate and validate your own Laboratory Developed Tests.
Choose from a comprehensive selection of kits to meet diverse diagnostic needs.
Advanced lyophilization ensures stability, convenience, and simplified workflow without compromising quality.
Equipped with seven channels for multiplexed testing, enabling simultaneous analysis of multiple targets.
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