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PGX-5FU StripAssay

Short description

The PGX-5FU XL StripAssay is a diagnostic tool designed to enhance patient safety in cancer treatments involving fluoropyrimidines. By identifying clinically relevant genetic variants in the DPYD gene, the assay helps tailor fluoropyrimidine dosing, reducing the risk of severe treatment-related toxicity. Comprising components for DNA isolation, PCR amplification, and allele-specific oligonucleotide probe hybridization, the comprehensive kit offers an essential step towards personalized medicine in cancer therapy. Recommended by the European Medicines Agency and aligned with CPIC guidelines, it’s a advancement in the quest for safer, more effective cancer treatment.

Product highlights

  • Patient Safety
  • Dosing Precision
  • EMA-Recommended
  • Rapid Results
  • Genetic Insight

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PGX-5FU StripAssay



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Specifications of the PGX-5FU StripAssay

Personalizing Cancer Treatment with PGX-5FU XL StripAssay

The battle against cancer has come a long way with various therapies to treat solid tumors, one of which includes the use of fluoropyrimidines. While effective, the administration of fluoropyrimidines like 5-Fluorouracil, Capecitabine, and Tegafur can result in severe treatment-related toxicity for certain patients. Enter the PGX-5FU XL StripAssay, a diagnostic tool that aims to enhance patient safety by tailoring fluoropyrimidine dosing based on individual genetic profiles.

The Role of Fluoropyrimidines

Fluoropyrimidines are frequently employed in cancer therapies but pose the risk of severe side effects due to high systemic exposure or impaired metabolic enzyme activity. One such enzyme is dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), whose activity can be compromised by genetic variants in the DPYD gene.

Why DPD Matters

The key metabolic enzyme, DPD, is instrumental in the metabolism of fluoropyrimidines. Variants in the DPYD gene can result in impaired DPD activity, causing increased systemic exposure to the drug and, consequently, severe toxicity. Up to 9% of the Caucasian population have low levels of a functional DPD enzyme, while up to 0.5% completely lack the enzyme.

The Significance of DPYD Genotyping

The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) guidelines recommend DPYD genotype-guided fluoropyrimidine dosing to enhance patient safety. With this backdrop, the PGX-5FU XL StripAssay becomes an invaluable tool. The assay identifies genotypes associated with the response to 5-fluorouracil therapy, allowing clinicians to personalize treatment regimens.

How It Works

The PGX-5FU XL StripAssay is a kit covering all the necessary steps for successful genotyping. It includes components for DNA isolation, PCR amplification using biotinylated primers, and hybridization of amplification products to a test strip containing allele-specific oligonucleotide probes. The assay specifically identifies four polymorphic loci in the DPYD gene that have been highlighted by the European Medicines Agency as clinically relevant.

Safety First

By integrating the PGX-5FU XL StripAssay into the treatment planning process, healthcare providers can significantly reduce the risk of severe and life-threatening side effects related to fluoropyrimidine treatment. Given that DPD enzyme deficiencies are not uncommon, pre-treatment DPYD testing is strongly recommended.


In an era where personalized medicine is becoming increasingly important, tools like the PGX-5FU XL StripAssay are crucial. They not only promise to make cancer treatment more effective but also significantly safer. By tailoring the dose of fluoropyrimidines to individual genetic makeup, we can minimize the risks and maximize the benefits, making the battle against cancer a little less daunting for everyone involved.

Components of the PGX-5FU StripAssay
  • Lysis Solution (50 ml)
  • GENXTRACT™ Resin (5 ml)
  • Amplification Mix (500 µl)
  • Taq Dilution Buffer (500 µl)
  • Taq DNA Polymerase (75 U)
  • DNAT (1.5 ml)
  • Typing Trays (3)
  • Teststrips (20)
  • Hybridization Buffer (25 ml)
  • Wash Solution A (80 ml)
  • Conjugate Solution (25 ml)
  • Wash Solution B (80 ml)
  • Color Developer (25 ml)
  • Collector™ Sheet

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