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Action Oncology KitDx (Automatic)

Short description

Elevate Cancer Care with Action Oncology KitDX

In the dynamic world of cancer care, precision is paramount. Meet Action OncoKitDX, your key to a new era in oncology. With an extensive gene panel, MSI testing, and CNV analysis, this kit empowers healthcare pros with comprehensive genetic insights. It’s your path to personalized treatments, guiding patients toward brighter futures. Join us in redefining cancer care’s future, where precision meets hope. Explore Action OncoKitDX, where hope takes the forefront in the fight against cancer.

Product highlights

  • Advanced CNV Detection
  • Accurate MSI Testing
  • NGS technology
  • Comprehensive Gene Insights

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Action Oncology KitDx (Automatic)



Instructions for Use

MSDS  Action Oncology KitDx


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Specifications of the Action Oncology KitDx (Automatic)

Elevate Oncology Treatment with Action Oncology KitDX

When it comes to cancer treatment, precision is everything. Enter Action OncoKitDX, a breakthrough solution that is revolutionising the way we approach this complex disease. With a comprehensive gene panel, accurate MSI testing and the ability to detect complex alterations, it empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions. Join us in exploring the future of oncology, where treatments are personalised and outcomes are optimised. Welcome to Action OncoKitDX, where precision meets hope for cancer patients around the world.

Comprehensive Genetic Insights

Cancer is not a one-size-fits-all disease. Each patient’s journey is unique, and so is their genetic profile. The Action OncoKitDX is your gateway to unlocking the secrets hidden within cancer genomes. With an extensive panel of 55 key genes, hotspot regions, and fusion genes, this kit offers a 360-degree view of the genetic landscape.

Accurate Microsatellite Instability Testing

The Bethesda panel comes to life with our kit’s 110-microsatellite panel. Accurate MSI testing is critical for precise diagnosis and prognosis, and Action OncoKitDX delivers unmatched reliability.

Detect Complex Copy Number Variations

Unraveling the complexity of copy number variations is now within your grasp. Action OncoKitDX detects alterations like 1p/19q or 1q/16p with ease. The low-density SNP array validates results, ensuring you don’t miss any important details.

Optimize Chemotherapy with Pharmacogenetic Insights

Tailoring chemotherapy treatments has never been more accessible. Our kit analyzes 20 key genes, providing guidance for dose adjustments and improved treatment outcomes.

Cutting-Edge Molecular Barcoding

Experience the power of molecular barcoding and high-throughput sequencing. Say goodbye to PCR duplicates during bioinformatics analysis, and say hello to heightened sensitivity for challenging DNA samples.

Technical Excellence Meets Reliability

Action OncoKitDX is designed for simplicity, compatible with DNA from peripheral blood or various tissues, requiring only 50-200 ng of DNA. Its remarkable technical specifications, exceeding 99% in limits of detection, coverage depth, uniformity, specificity, sensitivity, repeatability, and reproducibility, instill confidence in its results.

Certified Quality

Health in Code S.L., the developer of Action OncoKitDX, adheres to the UNE-EN ISO 13485:2018 standard for quality management systems. You can trust that you’re working with a product of the highest quality.

Welcome to the Future of Oncology

Action OncoKitDX isn’t just a diagnostic tool; it’s a revolution in cancer care. It empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions, leading to more precise and effective therapies. Welcome to the future of oncology, where treatments are tailored to each individual’s unique genetic makeup, offering hope and improved outcomes for cancer patients worldwide.

Components of the Action Oncology KitDx (Automatic)

The kit contains the necessary reagents to perform 24 reactions. The reagents included in the kit are the following:

  • Fragmentation Buffer: Buffer used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Fragmentation Enzyme: Enzyme used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Reagents Plate: Plate with all the reagents required to perform the DNA end repair, the Illumina adapters linkage, and amplifications done during the library preparation protocol.
  • Beads and Buffers plate: Plate with magnetic particles and wash buffers, required for the DNA capture and its purification during the library preparation protocol.
  • Index: Oligonucleotides with a unique 8 nucleotides identifier sequence compatible with the illumina adapters required to identify each sample during library preparation and NGS sequencing.
    The kit includes 24 different indexes, prepared in single-use strips.
  • Hematology Probes Strips: Biotinylated synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the target regions of the target genes.
  • Elution Buffer: Buffer used to elute the DNA.

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