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16S Microbiome NGS Assay Kit

Short description

The ViennaLab 16S Microbiome NGS Assay combines library preparation and bioinformatic analysis to enable species-level classification of bacteria colonizing the human gut. Reduced activity or imbalances in the gut microbiome have been linked to a variety of conditions, including obesity, type II diabetes, and many more.

The assay offers a powerful end-to-end solution that allows for rapid review and comprehensive evaluation of the bacterial composition in the analyzed samples. The kits allow for multiplexing of up to 288 samples and have implemented improvements such as a fast and optimized 2-step protocol, enhanced analysis pipeline, and reduced number of tubes to generate less waste.

It is for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product highlights

  • Fast and optimized 2-step protocol
  • Wide range of phenotypes in health and disease
  • Targeted sequencing
  • Powerful end-to-end solution
  • The kits allow multiplexing of up to 288 samples.

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16S Microbiome NGS Assay Kit



Specifications of the 16S Microbiome NGS Assay Kit

Looking to assess the bacterial composition in the human gut? ViennaLab 16S Microbiome NGS Assay is here to help! With the combination of library preparation and bioinformatic analysis, this assay enables species-level classification of bacteria colonizing the human gut, which has been linked to a variety of conditions like obesity, type II diabetes and more.

The targeted sequencing of variable regions in the 16S rRNA gene provides a rapid and easy way to assess the bacterial composition in the human intestine, while the ViennaLab Microbiome Analysis Webtool offers diversity statistics, informative summary tables, and graphical output to facilitate a rapid review and comprehensive evaluation of bacterial composition in analyzed samples.

Some of the added benefits of this assay include a fast and optimized 2-step protocol, sequencing-ready libraries in less than 3 hours, and the ability to multiplex up to 288 samples. Plus, ViennaLab has implemented several improvements such as more balanced heterogeneity spacers to enhance library complexity for improved sequencing quality and an enhanced analysis pipeline with added QC and filtering steps.

ViennaLab also adheres to an environmentally friendly mindset, so they have reduced the number of tubes in order to generate less waste.

If you’re interested in seeing how the final data generated with their Microbiome Analysis Webtool will be presented to facilitate the rapid review and comprehensive evaluation of the bacterial composition of your samples, you can inquire for a demo report by contacting via info@goffinmt.com

Note that the ViennaLab 16S Microbiome NGS Assay is for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures. If you plan to sequence more than 96 samples on one flow cell, you should order kits with different sets (e.g. Set A and Set B) to ensure all individual libraries sequenced in the same pool have a unique indexing primer combination.

Components of the 16S Microbiome NGS Assay Kit
  1. Library Preparation Kit: A kit containing all the reagents necessary for the preparation of 16S rRNA gene libraries, including DNA fragmentation, end-repair, A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification.
  2. PCR Mix: A ready-to-use mix containing all the reagents necessary for the PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene using universal primers.
  3. 16S Primer Mix: A mix of universal primers used for the amplification of the 16S rRNA gene for bacterial identification.
  4. Indexing Kit: A kit containing all the reagents necessary for the addition of unique indexes to each library, allowing for multiplex sequencing.
  5. Sequencing Services: A service for the sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene libraries on a MiSeq or NextSeq instrument, with various read lengths and options available.


The kit also includes instructions for use, as well as a protocol for the preparation and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene libraries using the provided reagents and services.

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