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β-Thal Modifier StripAssay Kit

Short description

The β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® from Viennalab is a molecular diagnostic test designed to identify genetic variants associated with beta-thalassemia, a group of inherited blood disorders that affect the production of hemoglobin. This qualitative test can detect up to 11 different mutations associated with beta-thalassemia and has high sensitivity and specificity, making it a reliable tool for identifying patients with the condition.

It is easy to use and can be performed on a variety of sample types. The assay can be used for both research and clinical applications, providing a valuable tool for genetic counseling, carrier screening, and prenatal diagnosis.

Product highlights

  • Detects up to 11 genetic variants
  • Highly sensitive and specific (98% and 100%, respectively)
  • Easy-to-use with no specialized equipment required
  • Works with multiple sample types
  • Useful for research and clinical applications

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β-Thal Modifier StripAssay Kit


Specifications of the β-Thal Modifier StripAssay Kit

The β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® from Viennalab is a molecular diagnostic test designed to identify genetic variants associated with beta-thalassemia, a group of inherited blood disorders that affect the production of hemoglobin. This assay is a reliable tool for identifying patients who may carry these mutations, allowing for earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® utilizes a reverse hybridization method, in which PCR amplification is followed by hybridization of the biotin-labeled PCR product to specific probes immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane strip. This allows for the detection of various beta-globin gene mutations through the appearance of specific hybridization signals on the strip.

The β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® is a qualitative test that can detect various beta-thalassemia mutations, including common mutations associated with beta-thalassemia and other rare mutations. The test is designed to detect up to 11 different mutations in a single reaction, providing a comprehensive diagnostic tool for patients with beta-thalassemia.

One of the key advantages of the β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® is its high sensitivity and specificity. The assay has been shown to have a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 100%, making it a highly reliable tool for identifying patients with beta-thalassemia. Additionally, the assay is easy to use and does not require specialized equipment, making it accessible for laboratories with limited resources.

The β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® can be used for both research and clinical applications, providing a valuable tool for genetic counseling, carrier screening, and prenatal diagnosis. The test can be performed on a variety of sample types, including whole blood, dried blood spots, and buccal swabs, making it a flexible and versatile tool for genetic testing.

In summary, the β-Thal Modifier StripAssay® from Viennalab is a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use molecular diagnostic tool for identifying genetic variants associated with beta-thalassemia. The assay’s high sensitivity and specificity, along with its ability to detect multiple mutations in a single reaction, make it a valuable tool for both research and clinical applications.

Components of the β-Thal Modifier StripAssay Kit
  1. PCR mix
  2. Strip with immobilized probes
  3. Positive control DNA
  4. Negative control DNA
  5. Sterile water


These components are used to perform a reverse hybridization assay, in which PCR amplification is followed by hybridization of the biotin-labeled PCR product to specific probes immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane strip. The appearance of specific hybridization signals on the strip is used to detect various beta-globin gene mutations.

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