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MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase

Short description

MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase is a highly reliable and efficient thermostable  enzyme that is widely used in molecular biology research. Its high sensitivity, yield, and versatility make it a valuable tool for PCR experiments.

The enzyme’s ability to amplify DNA from a variety of sources and its compatibility with different PCR conditions make it easy to use in different experimental setups. As such, MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase is a recommended enzyme for lab technicians and scientists who are looking for a high-quality thermostable DNA polymerase enzyme for their PCR experiments.

Product highlights

  • High sensitivity for amplification of low amounts of DNA
  • High yield for generating large amounts of amplified DNA
  • High specificity and accuracy due to proofreading activity and low error rate
  • Versatile and compatible with a variety of PCR buffers and conditions
  • Ability to amplify DNA from a variety of sources
  • Valuable tool for PCR experiments & NGS

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MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase



Specifications of the MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase

MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase is a highly purified recombinant thermostable enzyme that is isolated from Thermus aquaticus. This enzyme has a high specific activity and a high processivity, which enables it to amplify DNA fragments up to 5 kb in length. The enzyme has a proofreading activity, which makes it highly accurate in the replication of DNA. Additionally, MolTaq 16S/18S has a low error rate, which means that it is highly reliable in PCR experiments.


There are several advantages of using MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase in PCR experiments. Firstly, the enzyme has a high sensitivity, which means that it can amplify low amounts of DNA. This is particularly useful in experiments where the starting material is limited. Secondly, MolTaq 16S/18S has a high yield, which means that it can generate a large amount of amplified DNA in a short period of time. This is particularly useful in experiments where a large amount of DNA is required, such as sequencing or cloning.

Another advantage of MolTaq 16S/18S is its ability to amplify DNA from a variety of sources. The enzyme can amplify DNA from different organisms, tissues, and fluids, making it a versatile tool for molecular biology experiments. Additionally, MolTaq 16S/18S is compatible with a variety of PCR buffers and conditions, which makes it easy to use in different experimental setups.


MolTaq 16S/18S has several applications in molecular biology research. It is commonly used in PCR experiments for the amplification of DNA fragments for sequencing or cloning. The enzyme is also used in the detection of microbial pathogens in clinical and environmental samples. MolTaq 16S/18S is particularly useful in the amplification of 16S and 18S rRNA genes, which are commonly used as genetic markers for microbial identification and taxonomy.

Components of the MolTaq 16S/18S Polymerase
  • MolTaq 16S/18S DNA polymerase: This is the main enzyme in the kit, which is responsible for the amplification of DNA. The enzyme is provided in a concentrated form, typically in a buffer containing stabilizers.
  • PCR Buffer: A buffer solution containing salts and pH stabilizers that provide optimal conditions for the enzyme activity.
  • MgCl2: A solution containing magnesium chloride, which is an essential co-factor for the activity of MolTaq 16S/18S.
  • dNTPs: A mixture of deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP), which are the building blocks for DNA synthesis.
  • PCR-grade Water: Nuclease-free water used for the dilution of the PCR components.
  • PCR reaction tubes: Small plastic tubes for holding the reaction mixture during amplification.


Overall, the kit provides a convenient and reliable solution for PCR amplification of DNA, ensuring that all the necessary components are included and that they are of high quality and purity.

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