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Hematology OncoKitDX

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Enhance Hematologic Neoplasm Diagnosis with Hematology OncoKitDx

Discover the future of hematologic neoplasm diagnosis with Hematology OncoKitDx. This advanced kit employs NGS technology to analyze 76 genes and 27 fusion genes from a single DNA sample. It also detects copy number variations and offers insights into patient pharmacogenetics. Haematology OncoKitDx is a comprehensive solution for precise diagnoses and tailored treatments. Elevate your diagnostic capabilities with Haematology OncoKitDx today.

Product highlights

  • NGS Precision
  • Copy Number Variation Detection
  • Single-Sample Precision
  • Clinical Relevance

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Hematology OncoKitDX



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Specifications of the Hematology OncoKitDX

Hematology OncoKitDX: Advancing Precision in Hematologic Neoplasm Diagnostics

In the realm of hematologic neoplasm diagnostics, the Hematology OncoKitDX emerges as a game-changer, equipped with cutting-edge specifications that redefine precision and efficiency. This revolutionary diagnostic tool, powered by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, offers a comprehensive genetic analysis of hematologic neoplasms. Let’s delve into the specifications that make the Haematology OncoKitDX an indispensable asset for healthcare professionals.

Comprehensive Genetic Analysis

At the heart of the Hematology OncoKitDX is its ability to unlock the genetic mysteries of hematologic neoplasms. This kit boasts the capability to analyze 76 genes and 27 fusion genes, providing an unparalleled level of detail in understanding the molecular complexities of these diseases. From ABL1 to TCF3, it covers a wide range of genes that play pivotal roles in hematologic neoplasms.

The inclusion of fusion genes is particularly noteworthy, as they are crucial in the diagnosis and classification of hematologic neoplasms. These genes can be challenging to detect with traditional methods, but the Hematology OncoKitDX’s NGS technology ensures their comprehensive analysis, enabling healthcare professionals to make precise and informed decisions.

Efficient Single DNA Sample Analysis

The Haematology OncoKitDX offers a remarkable advantage—comprehensive insights from a single DNA sample. In the past, obtaining a comprehensive genetic profile often required multiple samples, adding complexity and discomfort for patients. With this kit, the need for multiple samples is greatly reduced, simplifying the testing process and minimizing patient burden.

This streamlined approach not only saves time but also enhances the efficiency of laboratory workflows. Medical professionals can now obtain a wealth of genetic information from a single DNA sample, allowing for quicker and more accurate diagnoses. Furthermore, the reduction in the number of samples required translates into cost savings, making the Hematology OncoKitDX a cost-effective solution for healthcare institutions.

Detecting Copy Number Variations (CNVs)

A standout feature of the Hematology OncoKitDX is its ability to detect copy number variations (CNVs) throughout the entire genome. CNVs play a pivotal role in hematologic neoplasms, influencing disease progression and treatment response. Detecting CNVs is critical for tailoring therapies to the specific genetic alterations present in a patient’s disease.

The Hematology OncoKitDX’s comprehensive genome examination goes beyond gene-level analysis, ensuring that healthcare professionals have a holistic understanding of genetic abnormalities in hematologic neoplasms. This capability significantly enhances the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment planning.

Pharmacogenetic Insights

Personalized treatment is at the forefront of modern medicine, and the Hematology OncoKitDX contributes to this paradigm shift by offering insights into pharmacogenetics. This field directly impacts a patient’s response to chemotherapy treatments. By detecting variants related to patient pharmacogenetics, the kit provides valuable guidance for dose adjustments, minimizing adverse reactions, and optimizing therapeutic efficacy.

Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly evolving field, and the Hematology OncoKitDX ensures that healthcare professionals are equipped with the latest insights. These pharmacogenetic-related variants are critical in tailoring treatments to individual patients, ultimately leading to better outcomes and improved patient experiences.

Clinical Relevance and International Standards

In the ever-evolving landscape of medicine, staying aligned with international standards and clinical trial availability is paramount. The Hematology OncoKitDX is designed to meet these standards, ensuring that the insights it provides are not only accurate but also clinically relevant.

Medical professionals can trust that the information generated by the Hematology OncoKitDX is rooted in the latest research and clinical practices. This alignment with international standards empowers healthcare providers to make decisions that are in line with the best practices in the field, leading to better patient care.

Streamlined Workflow for Superior Patient Care

The Hematology OncoKitDX is not just a diagnostic tool; it’s a catalyst for improved patient care. Its built-in positive controls and specialized calculation tools streamline laboratory workflows, making the testing process efficient and accurate. Healthcare professionals can focus on interpreting results and making informed decisions, simplifying complex laboratory procedures.

Designed for Professionals, by Professionals

Hematology OncoKitDX is exclusively intended for in vitro diagnostic use, tailored for professionals in the molecular biology sector. Its design reflects the input and expertise of those at the forefront of hematologic neoplasm research and treatment, meeting the stringent requirements of the medical community while delivering precision and reliability.

In conclusion, the Hematology OncoKitDX’s specifications represent a significant leap forward in hematologic neoplasm diagnostics. It empowers healthcare professionals with comprehensive genetic analysis, efficient single-sample testing, CNV detection, pharmacogenetic insights, and adherence to international standards. This kit streamlines workflows, reduces patient burden, and enhances the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment planning. Make the Hematology OncoKitDX your diagnostic tool of choice and elevate your ability to provide personalized and effective treatments for patients with hematologic neoplasms. Together, we can usher in a new era of precision medicine in hematologic oncology.

Components of the Hematology OncoKitDX

The kit contains the necessary reagents to perform 24 reactions. The reagents included in the kit are the following:

  • Fragmentation Buffer: Buffer used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Fragmentation Enzyme: Enzyme used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Reagents Plate: Plate with all the reagents required to perform the DNA end repair, the Illumina adapters linkage, and amplifications done during the library preparation protocol.
  • Beads and Buffers plate: Plate with magnetic particles and wash buffers, required for the DNA capture and its purification during the library preparation protocol.
  • Index: Oligonucleotides with a unique 8 nucleotides identifier sequence compatible with the illumina adapters required to identify each sample during library preparation and NGS sequencing.
    The kit includes 24 different indexes, prepared in single-use strips.
  • Hematology Probes Strips: Biotinylated synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the target regions of the target genes.
  • Elution Buffer: Buffer used to elute the DNA.

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