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Somatic Mutations NGS Assay

Short description

The ViennaLab Somatic Mutations NGS Assay is a comprehensive diagnostic tool designed for the high-throughput detection of key cancer-associated gene mutations. With coverage extending to significant genes like ALK, BRAF, EGFR, and TP53, the assay offers an integrated approach to identify SNVs, InDels, and fusions. Compatible with Illumina MiSeq, it allows up to 16 samples to be sequenced simultaneously. The package includes proprietary bioinformatic analysis via the Genovesa software, transforming complex genomic data into clinically actionable insights. Ideal for clinicians and researchers focused on personalized oncology.

Product highlights

  • High Throughput
  • Multi-Sample Capability
  • Proprietary Analysis
  • Variant Detection

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Somatic Mutations NGS Assay



Instructions for Use

Brochure NGS Assays


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Specifications of the Somatic Mutations NGS Assay

Unveiling the Power of ViennaLab’s Somatic Mutations NGS Assay in Cancer Diagnostics


In the rapidly evolving landscape of oncology, early and accurate detection of somatic mutations is pivotal for effective cancer management. ViennaLab’s Somatic Mutations NGS Assay is designed to meet this challenge head-on, serving as a state-of-the-art tool for comprehensive analysis of cancer-associated genes.

Broad Spectrum of Target Genes

The Somatic Mutations NGS Assay covers a substantial list of the most relevant cancer-associated genes, including ALK, APC, BRAF, EGFR, ERBB2, KRAS, MET, NRAS, PIK3CA, RET, ROS1, SMAD4, and TP53. This extensive scope allows for the detection of a wide range of somatic mutations, thereby providing a more complete understanding of the genetic factors driving the disease.

Variants and Target Region

The assay is designed to identify Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (InDels), and fusions, offering a multi-faceted genetic view. The targeted regions include the whole Coding Sequence (CDS) region and hotspot introns for fusions, covering a target size of 62 Kb.

Comprehensive Bioinformatic Analysis

The assay comes with integrated bioinformatic analysis using the Genovesa software. This helps in streamlining the complex process of data interpretation, transforming raw sequencing data into a clinically actionable genetic report.

Clinical Relevance and Applications

The assay serves as a crucial tool in the realm of personalized oncology, offering a comprehensive and targeted approach to genetic testing. This enables clinicians to tailor treatment plans to individual patient profiles, taking into account specific somatic mutations that may influence drug response or resistance.


The ViennaLab Somatic Mutations NGS Assay is an invaluable tool for modern oncology, enabling the precise identification of a broad array of gene mutations associated with cancer. With its comprehensive target gene list, integrated bioinformatics, and exceptional support material, the assay stands as a pivotal resource for clinicians and researchers alike, aiming to drive forward the capabilities of personalized medicine in cancer diagnostics.

Components of the Somatic Mutations NGS Assay

Library Preparation Box #1

  • FEAT Buffer
  • FEAT Enzyme
  • Ligation Buffer
  • Ligation Enzyme
  • Adapter
  • Activation Enzyme
  • 2x PCR Mix

Library Preparation Box #2

  • Dual Index Primer i5 (4 different primers)
  • Dual Index Primer i7 (4 different primers)

Target Capture Box #1

  • Block #1
  • Block #2
  • Block #3
  • Capture Probe #2
  • Post Capture PCR Forward Primer
  • Post Capture PCR Reverse Primer

Target Capture Box #2

  • Wash Buffer #1
  • Wash Buffer #2
  • Wash Buffer #3
  • Library Hyb Buffer

Somatic Mutations Target Capture Box #3

  • Somatic Mutations Capture Probe #1

Additional Provided Reagents – Beads

  • Clean up Beads
  • Streptavidin Beads

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