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Cancer Profiling Kit

Short description

Enhance Cancer Diagnosis with the Cancer Profiling Kit

The Cancer Profiling Kit empowers oncologists with comprehensive genetic insights, including markers, copy number variations, and pharmacogenetics. This advanced tool enhances cancer diagnosis, providing a wealth of information for tailored treatment strategies.

With its expanded capabilities, it plays a pivotal role in helping oncologists make more informed decisions for their patients, ultimately improving the prognosis and care of cancer patients.

Product highlights

  • Fusion Gene Detection
  • NGS Technology
  • Broad Spectrum
  • High Sensitivity


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Cancer Profiling Kit



Instructions for Use

MSDS Cancer Profiling Kit


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Specifications of the Cancer Profiling Kit

Cancer Profiling Kit: The Pinnacle of Personalized Oncology

In an era where precision medicine is no longer a luxury but a necessity, the Cancer Profiling Kit stands as a revolutionary tool for oncologists, researchers, and medical laboratories worldwide. Developed using state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, this all-inclusive kit provides an unparalleled, comprehensive genetic analysis for solid tumors. Its cutting-edge features are designed to significantly improve diagnostic accuracy, guide personalized treatment plans, and even contribute to groundbreaking cancer research.

Next-generation sequencing technology is the backbone of the Cancer Profiling Kit. Unlike older technologies, NGS allows for the simultaneous sequencing of multiple regions of a genome, providing a holistic view of a tumor’s genetic profile. This comprehensive outlook is not only crucial for identifying specific mutations but also helps oncologists devise more targeted and effective treatment plans.

With the growing importance of personalized medicine, the Cancer Profiling Kit is more than just another product—it’s a new standard in modern oncology. The medical landscape is rapidly evolving, and a comprehensive, reliable, and versatile tool like the Cancer Profiling Kit is indispensable for any medical lab serious about staying at the forefront of patient care and research.

The Kit’s Distinctive Attributes

Comprehensive Genomic Analysis

– 56 Gene Panel: Forget the limitations of traditional single-gene testing. The Cancer Profiling Kit includes a robust 56-gene panel that focuses on key genes known to be implicated in a variety of cancers. This comprehensive approach allows you to get the full picture, making it an invaluable tool in both diagnostics and research.

– Hotspot Regions & Fusion Genes: Beyond standard gene panels, the kit offers in-depth coverage of significant hotspot regions and fusion genes, providing a more nuanced understanding of each tumor’s genetic composition. This enhanced insight aids in making more accurate diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

Highest Standards & Quality Assurance

– FDA & EMA Approved: Quality is non-negotiable in medical diagnostics. This kit is both FDA and EMA approved, complying with the most rigorous international quality standards.

– Microsatellite Instability Testing: The kit features a groundbreaking 110-microsatellite panel for in-depth microsatellite instability (MSI) testing, enabling you to identify cases that may respond well to immunotherapy.

Tailoring Personalized Medicine

– Pharmacogenetic Variants: An additional benefit of this kit is its optional guidance for chemotherapy dose adjustments based on individual genetic markers. This helps in mitigating the risk of adverse reactions, enhancing treatment efficacy.

– Variant Detection: Thanks to its high sensitivity, the Cancer Profiling Kit dramatically improves variant detection even in low-quality DNA samples, offering clinicians more reliable data.

Future Outlook and Final Thoughts

The Cancer Profiling Kit is not just a product; it’s a commitment to pioneering more effective, individualized treatments for cancer patients. As the healthcare industry moves increasingly towards personalization, the need for in-depth, reliable genetic data will continue to grow. The Cancer Profiling Kit is ideally positioned to meet this demand, offering not just state-of-the-art technology, but a promise for better patient outcomes.

Upgrade your oncology lab operations with the Cancer Profiling Kit—your gateway to the future of precision medicine.

Components of the Cancer Profiling Kit

The kit contents the necessary reagents to perform 24 reactions. The reagents included in the kit are the following:

  • Fragmentation Buffer: Buffer used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Fragmentation Enzyme: Enzyme used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries
  • Reagents Plate 1: Plate with all the reagents required to perform the DNA end repair, the
    Illumina adapters linkage, and amplifications done during the library preparation protocol.
  • Beads and Buffers plate: Plate with magnetic particles and wash buffers, required for the DNA
    capture and its purification during the library preparation protocol.
  • Index: Oligonucleotides with a unique 8 nucleotides identifier sequence compatible with the
    illumina adapters required to identify each sample during library preparation and NGS
    sequencing. The kit includes 24 different indexes, prepared in single-use strips.
  • Action ST Probes Strips 1: Biotinylated synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the target
    regions of the target genes.
  • Elution Buffer: Buffer used to elute the DNA.

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