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Homologous Recombination Repair OncoKit

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Discover Homologous Recombination Repair (HRR) OncoKit: Precision Cancer Genomics

HRR OncoKit is your gateway to personalized cancer treatment. Detect genetic variations in the Homologous Recombination DNA Repair pathway, allowing tailored therapies like PARP inhibitors. Our kit covers 38 genes, includes MSI testing, and identifies Copy Number Variations across the genome. Advanced sequencing and barcoding enhance sensitivity for precise results, even with challenging DNA samples. Elevate your oncology practice with HRR OncoKit.

Product highlights

  • Genetic Precision
  • NGS Technology
  • Broad Spectrum
  • High Sensitivity


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Homologous Recombination Repair OncoKit



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Specifications of the Homologous Recombination Repair OncoKit

HRR OncoKit: Advancing Precision Oncology

In an era where precision medicine is imperative, HRR OncoKit emerges as the quintessential tool for oncologists, researchers, and medical laboratories worldwide. Crafted through state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, this comprehensive kit represents a transformative genetic analysis solution for solid tumors. Its state-of-the-art features are meticulously engineered to elevate diagnostic precision, inform tailored treatment strategies, and drive groundbreaking cancer research.

Foundations in Next-Generation Sequencing

At the core of HRR OncoKit lies next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, heralding a paradigm shift from traditional sequencing methods. NGS facilitates concurrent sequencing of multiple genomic regions, affording a comprehensive view of a tumor’s genetic landscape. This comprehensive perspective is critical for identifying specific mutations and optimizing therapeutic interventions.

HRR OncoKit: Setting the Standard in Modern Oncology

In a dynamic healthcare landscape, HRR OncoKit is not merely a product; it sets a new gold standard in contemporary oncology. With the surge in demand for personalized medicine, a comprehensive, dependable, and adaptable tool like HRR OncoKit is indispensable for any forward-thinking medical laboratory committed to maintaining a leading role in patient care and scientific advancement.

Key Features of HRR OncoKit

Comprehensive Genomic Analysis

  • 38 Gene Panel: Move beyond the constraints of single-gene analysis. HRR OncoKit incorporates a robust 38-gene panel, meticulously selected for their roles in various cancer types. This comprehensive approach offers a holistic understanding, rendering it an invaluable asset for both diagnostics and research.
  • Hotspot Regions & Fusion Genes: In addition to standard gene panels, HRR OncoKit provides extensive coverage of critical hotspot regions and fusion genes. This depth of insight empowers oncologists and researchers to make more precise diagnostic and therapeutic determinations.

Rigorous Quality Assurance

  • Regulatory Approvals: In medical diagnostics, unyielding quality standards are paramount. HRR OncoKit stands fully compliant with the most stringent international quality standards, holding approvals from esteemed regulatory bodies such as the FDA and EMA.
  • Microsatellite Instability Testing: An innovative feature, HRR OncoKit integrates a 110-microsatellite panel, facilitating comprehensive microsatellite instability (MSI) testing. This capability assists in identifying cases that may respond favorably to immunotherapy.

Customizing Personalized Medicine

  • Pharmacogenetic Insights: Going the extra mile, HRR OncoKit offers optional guidance for chemotherapy dose adjustments based on individual genetic markers. This proactive measure mitigates the risk of adverse reactions while optimizing treatment efficacy.
  • Enhanced Variant Detection: Thanks to its exceptional sensitivity, HRR OncoKit significantly elevates the detection of genetic variants, even in scenarios involving challenging DNA samples. Clinicians benefit from a higher degree of confidence in the data they rely upon.

A Promising future

HRR OncoKit transcends being a mere product; it signifies a commitment to advancing more effective, personalized cancer treatment regimens. As the healthcare sector steers increasingly towards personalization, the demand for in-depth, dependable genetic insights will continue to burgeon. HRR OncoKit stands poised to meet this burgeoning demand, offering not just state-of-the-art technology but a commitment to enhancing patient outcomes.

Elevate your oncology laboratory’s capabilities with HRR OncoKit – your gateway to the future of precision medicine. With its comprehensive genomic analysis, stringent quality assurance, and personalized medicine tailoring, HRR OncoKit empowers clinicians and researchers alike to navigate the complex world of cancer with confidence and precision. Welcome to the forefront of oncological innovation, where every genomic insight leads to more effective treatments and, ultimately, improved patient outcomes.

Components of the Homologous Recombination Repair OncoKit

The kit contians the necessary reagents to perform 24 reactions. The reagents included in the kit are the following:

  • Fragmentation Buffer (MSDS-D13): Buffer used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Fragmentation Enzyme (MSDS-D14): Enzyme used for DNA fragmentation, prior to NGS libraries preparation.
  • Reagents Plate: Plate with all the reagents required to perform the DNA end repair, the Illumina adapters linkage, and amplifications done during the library preparation protocol.
  • Beads and Buffers plate (MSDS-D15): Plate with magnetic particles and wash buffers, required for the DNA capture and its purification during the library preparation protocol.
  • Index: Oligonucleotides with a unique 8 nucleotides identifier sequence compatible with the illumina adapters required to identify each sample during library preparation and NGS sequencing. The kit includes 24 different indexes, prepared in single-use strips.
  • HRR Probes Strips: Biotinylated synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the target regions of the target genes.
  • Elution Buffer: Buffer used to elute the DNA.

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